Thursday, July 23, 2009


wow...2day i feel abit relax finally!!last few day i think i'm sleep at almost 4am for everyday!lol...really tired..tired!!monday do revision for test..tuesday also do revison for test...wednesday rush for assignments!!really make me cant sleep ealier!=.='..happy..2day i not need rush for assignment,no need do revision for any test..but just stay in front my laptop and keep online!!haha...enjoying this moment!!xp..
but next week i think also gonna go back to the same routine..==..assignment and test!!sad..LOL

Saturday, July 18, 2009

tHIs CalLE "sTudY"Lif3??? i 'enjoying' in my study life now?no..absolutely no..i think i'm suffering in my life now...=,='.Recently extremely busy with assginmentsssss...and mid term tests..!lol..m!s$~w~ life style is gone!T.T..i think i still need suffer in this kind of days 3 more weeks!!cham cham...almost finished for 3 assignments then come again with 2 more suck!:-(next week 2 mid term tests somemore.gosh..not enough time for me..need rush for assignments then where got time do revision for test wor...stress! @.@ hmm...i think this really called as study life ba...*~*Damn depressed with this kind of life..i dont like it,make me moody only!hope this kind of life pass quickly..ooopss i think not use also la..after rush for all these things i think it's time for me to ready for final examinations think i'm gonna suffer till the end of this semester!LOL~~~LOL~~~

Saturday, July 11, 2009

~iT .i$ .M3aNInGfUL~

I received an email last two days from a was entitled with“ 一个人的生活和两个人的生活”...i was attracted by this email!its content as below:

星期日,一覺睡到下午2 點還不願起床,我在旁邊叫喚他。「起床了好不好?我們出去走走,去吃東西。」N遍之後,他仍在睡。我下樓去,走到公園時,打了他手機,我想,這下,他不得不起床了吧? 響了好幾聲,他終於接了電話,只是他告訴我的是:「妳讓我過我自己想過的生活好不好?」 突然間,我不知該如何回應,倖倖然掛上電話後,一個人坐在公園裡,有點茫然有點不知所措,那麼我自己的生活又是什麼呢?一個人的時候過自己的生活,兩個人的時候也各自過生活??肚子餓了是唯一明確的方向,我漫步到肯德雞,點了餐,端了餐盤往樓上走,三三兩兩的人群,小孩的吵鬧聲在我耳邊沸騰著,我沒有感覺到煩燥,反而覺得這種人氣很好,我安靜的吃我的炸雞看我的報紙,四週喧嚷的小孩聲壓過了我心裡悲傷的低鳴聲,近日來,就情緒上來說,我並不太快樂,我需要注入一些快樂的聲音在我的心房。 一個小時後,我離開肯德基並外帶了一份餐,在往回家路上走著時,我重新思考著過自己生活的事情,我可以當作我是一個人生活,一個吃飽一個人散步一個人回家去嗎?? 我不會,也不行,我可以一個人吃飯、一個人散步,可是我不會忘了要買一份食物給在家裡的家人,一個人的生活裡其實包含了兩個人。 婚姻裡,有一個很難的部份就是,你不明白什麼時候該一個人,什麼時候又該兩個人? 而女人卻會自然而然的照料跟妳一起生活的人,也許妳照顧不了他的心情,可是妳會顧及他的溫飽。想著想著,就走到了家門口,我站在門口,有鑰匙卻沒有開門,我按了門鈴,他開了門....「先生,請問你有沒有叫肯德基外帶全家餐?」我站在門口對他說。 他對我笑而不答。「沒有嗎?我送錯了啊??」我笑。他把東西接過手,牽著我的手進了家門。 晚上,他居然帶我去逛了夜市耶,這是一件非常難得的事,因為他超討厭逛夜市,而且,他很有耐心陪我一條一條的逛著,臉上沒有一絲不耐煩。我想,他明白這是 ------我一個人生活時愛做的事,二個人生活時也希望可以做的事。
如果相遇,你會感到相知,那麼,有一種習慣 ─叫做陪伴。
如果陪伴,你會感到珍惜,那麼,有一種甜蜜 ─叫做存在。
如果存在,你會感到壓力,那麼,有一種善良 ─叫做 離開。
如果離開,你會感到輕鬆,那麼,有一種勇敢 ─ 叫做放棄。
忙的時候,想要休息; 渡假的時候,想到未來。

What a meaningful story...i dont know whether this story true or false?
but,no doubt,i really feel that it is quite match with some situation !...^^

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

~``f!nALLy``~tT niGhT

wow...finally tt night is overed!!my job as pr crew in this event was completed!! my job was nothing special !a bit like klf(kelehfe) actually ...haha..anyway appreciate this opportunity to take part in this event!(i think this event can consider as one of the biggest event in my college.This event was able to invite few well know people as judges!such as bobby - astro battle ground judge, malaysian singer,candy chia-谢婉婷...shown that tt nite qute have face la..haha!The happiest thing is i make quite a number of friends in this event.Have friends from pr course,have friends from accounting course... ...^^No doubt, we take a lot of pictures during the end !i think this is also the only moment that i feel i'm enjoying with this tt night!xp...